Skin care

Your Dark Circles Bother You…?

In a protracted time i m posting one thing concerning care. Today during this post i m getting to tell you terribly straightforward homespun remedies to get rid of your dark circles. I do know we tend to all desire a stunning face. However no one is born good. So we try many methods to get rid of thing that we don’t want on our face. We all know that beauty of every face is eyes but those beautiful eyes have additional dark circles too which makes us looks ugly. Who don’t want to look beautiful. Obviously we all want beautiful eyes but for this we should take out a little time for ourselves so that we can pamper ourselves. I have dark circles too and they are very dark i don’t like them and i do everything just to get rid of them. Wearing makeup all the time is not a good option. So we should try something natural that is good for our skin too. I have been trying many things just to get rid of these ugly dark circles and i saw they are really giving me good results. The blackness and the area is gradually decreasing on my face. These natural tips were worth to try. I tried all of these one by one in a gap of a month or 2. I also wanted to know that which of these is best for me or any other girl and i found out that all of these natural tips are working properly and are also giving equally good results.


So now i will  tell you all those natural homemade tips which will help you a lot. Without wasting anymore time lets get started.

  1. FIRST tip is to drink lots and lots of water. Water keeps your body hydrated and also help you to lower down the stress level.
  2. SECOND tips is very very essential for all of us take ample sleep at night, that means take a proper 8 hours sleep because it is very necessary for us to give rest to our eyes. The more they will rest the more beautiful and relaxed eyes you will have.
  3. NEXT you can use cucumber. These are best for your eyes. Place cold cucumber slices over your closed eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Cold cucumber relaxes your eyes.
  4. NEXT you can use metal spoons. Place two metal spoons in your fridge. Check them out after few minutes. Now place these cold spoons on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  5. NEXT is potatoes they are also good for our eyes. Take 2 potatoes slices put them in fridge when they get cold place these two slices on your closed eyes. Remove them after 15-20 minutes.
  6. NEXT is almond oil. Apply a small amount of almond oil over dark circles before going to bed. Wash it off with cold water in the morning. This tip will really help you a lot.
  7. NEXT is mint leaves. Take few mint leaves crush them and apply them over dark circles for 10-15 minutes. Wipe off with clean and damp cloth.
  8. NEXT is cold tea bags. Whenever you drink green tea don’t throw all the tea bags, put them in refrigerator and let them cool. Now take them out and put these cold tea bag over your closed eyes. You can place them for as long as you want.
  9. NEXT is frozen vegetable wrapped in a towel. Wrap frozen vegetables bag in clean towel. Lay on closed eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  10. NEXT is rose water. Take two cotton balls soaked in rose water and apply over eyelids for 10 minutes. You do not have to rinse afterwards. NEXT tip is a general tip eat healthy food that is good for your health. Nutrients deficiency may contribute to dark circles.

So girls i have given you many easy and natural tips that will help you to remove dark circles in few days. Try them out and tell me did they worked for you or not. Feel Comfortable in sharing your views. Waiting for you replies. For any query comment below. See you soon buhbyees….^_^

Picture Credits : Pinterest

By : Shady

4 thoughts on “Your Dark Circles Bother You…?”

  1. I have dark circles too!! Neither lack of sleeping hours nor lack of water is the reason of causing the dark circles beneath my eyes I guess. Probably is because of my nose rhinitis and it really bothers me. However, I’ll try all the methods that you’ve suggested. Thanks.


    1. hellow dear.. its good to hear from you. look i have faced this dark circles problem too but yet i found many methods to fight against it. it might be possible that you have dark circles coz of one or the other reason but there is no problem in trying some home remedies. little experimenting is ok. try these and let me know if they were helpful to you.


      1. Ya sure! We will never know the outcome if we never try right? Hahaha. Anyway, I’ve discovered a very good way to treat my serius dark circles—- jogging at least twice in a week (I’ve been trying it for months except when my period comes) and personally I’ve realised that my dark circles seem like be so much better than before and my face is more attractive and spiritual. Perhaps is because of jogging has promptee the blood circulation and metabolism in our bodies. It’s just my own opinion and I deem it as a very good way because it’s really super effective for me. You can give it a try too. It has no harm to us after all!


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