Girlsworld, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, TheDiyThursday, Things to do

Plan With Me: December(Minimalist and Christmas theme)

Hello people, I m back with the last plan with me of the year. Super super excited for this one. This “Plan with Me” journey has been so amazing so far. The November set up was good so far I especially loved the spread, overall I had plenty of space for everything also I used the setup so well. As the spread was pretty simple and usable I decided to stick with the same layout and stuff only I added few new things like new habits to my habit tracker and changed the existing weekly log that’s it. I was not planning on doing much for December but going minimalist and Christmasy was my theme. I saw a minimalist Christmas-Wreath kind of thing on youtube which inspired me so so much that I had to try it out plus it was super simple for a beginner like me. I believe the spread should be designed in a such a way that one can stick to it. Trust me I didn’t had any inspiration when I was about to work on my December bullet journal but youtube has such inspirational people you can look forward too. After watching few videos I knew what I wanted and how my December spread would look at the end. I m still working on my calligraphy and lettering skills there is a lot of room for improvement so please don’t judge me, guys. I started bullet journaling in September it’s only been few months and I can already see the progress in my work. As I have told you the theme was quite simple so I started off with the pen directly. So I hope you guys find this month’s bullet journal spread useful as I have kept it pretty basic. I still can’t believe that it looks so good also a I would like to admit that December spread is my favorite so far. OMG, December ended so well in a way for me guys. Once you will see what I have done in the picture down below everything will be self-explanatory. So yeah let’s get straight to the setup.

Ok, guys, we are finally done with setting up for December I know its been quite an extensive setup but I m really excited to use it. I hope you guys liked this post and if you did don’t forget to follow me. Will be back with an amazing post XOXO

D.I.Y, Girlsworld, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, Things to do

How To Get Your Life Together!!

Hello people how are you all doing? For today’s post I decided to help you all get your life together and why am I posting about it is because I obviously have mine so put together and fine. Well, I m not that perfect but yeah I keep bettering myself every day. Take my advice if you’re truly in need of it. I cannot do well if I don’t really know how things are gonna go for me throughout the day. I just need to have a little bit of organization in my life in order to feel calm and put together. Basically, I love to have things under control. If you’re someone like me who loves an organized life or someone who needs a little organization in their life then keep reading. Now that I have explained enough for the intro let’s get right to the tips. I m not gonna lie but I m at a pretty good spot in my life right now and I feel very on top of this organization game and that is why I m here to share 10 tips that will hopefully help you all get your life together.

Be Honest

Let’s start with tip number one and that is to be completely honest with yourself because if you will not be honest with your life you are not doing any good. It’s really important to find where your problems are. As a human we tend to go through a lot of problems in life which includes feeling uninspired, being unhappy, feeling unmotivated and low. Whatever it is it’s important for you to figure it out. What is the issue? Why are you feeling that way? What is the reason behind you feeling unmotivated? Clear your mind about all bad habits and things like procrastinating, sleeping through your alarms, extending things to the very last day, not working out, not eating healthy etc etc. Best way to make yourself aware of all your bad habit is to just sit down and write about everything (little or big) that distracts you from achieving your goals. If you’re not good in terms of socializing count it in too. If you’re working on improving your relationships with people around you add that too whether it be growing amount of good people in your life or getting rid of the bad ones write everything down. Clarify everything in your mind that way you will understand where are you going wrong, what is lacking in your life and where you need to put more efforts. So sit down close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about what is that you’re working towards in your life and what is actually you need to be doing right now. You will never be able to fix your problems if you don’t define them in your mind.

Get Inspired

After being honest with yourself the second tip that you need to focus on is How to get Inspired? now, this is the most amazing but funniest step to get your life together. If you have no idea where is your life going? what are you doing? why your goals seems to be fading? why everything is falling apart or you are wasting a lot of your time doing nothing its time to get some true inspiration. When you have no idea what kind of life you are planning to live ahead, take a step back and look around you, find people that motivate you. Find that somebody that is living a life you have always dreamt of. Now don’t bring up jealousy into this, there is a huge difference between getting inspired and being jealous of someone. Don’t get envious to live a cool life in a bad way. All I mean is find out who is killing at living an amazing life around you or who do you look at and feel God Damn I wish I had that lifestyle, I wish I was that person doing those things. It could be anyone doing anything, you can also look into social media for some inspiration. There are so many amazing people living happy and content life in this world that you can get inspired by. Just gain some inspiration guys gain it from a person living your next door or from an amazing celebrity over the internet. Find that somebody and get inspired by his or her lifestyle. Set some goals and morals looking at that person. But first, figure out what kind of life you plan and wish to have. The best way to change your life is to write down all the things that you want to acquire in your life. There are two types of people in the world The Proactive and the Reactive ones. Don’t just sit back and watch your life flash before your eyes. Be proactive, go after your life and chase your dreams. Don’t pretend as you have no control over it, react to everything that is happening. Stop making excuses as you can find inspiration in life anytime you want it’s never too late.

Cultivate a Morning & Night Routine

The third tip would be to create and follow routines. I m a routine junkie I love them I love a good morning routine as well as a good night routine. I just love good and productive routines. We as people are creatures of habits so routine is a really good thing to cultivate. I have a very basic morning, evening and night routine that I can stick to regardless of what kind of day I would have ahead of me. My favorite routine though is weekend routine. I have picked two days Sat-Sunday out of the entire week to get all of my shit together and start fresh for the new week. Sunday routines for me are all about rejuvenating and restoring for the upcoming week. I will do laundry, clean my room, plan my meals, do market work, chill out with family, take a hot bath, do a face mask, read a book, watch a movie, plan out the entire week in advance and do everything that can help me get my life together and make a fresh start. Basically, I will do everything that gives my soul joy and makes my day happy. Weekend routine aka GYST day is my favorite of all.

Next thing to focus on cultivating and following routines is to sleep and wake up early. I never forget to include this point in such posts because it’s important anyway. I have noticed that whenever I follow my routine like sleeping and waking up on time I get more stuff done that day. It feels so amazing when you make most out of your time. I hate waking up early the reason being my bed loves me but I still try my best to wake up as early as possible. I feel more productive, more organized, more motivated and more energized when I wake up early. I do all important things plus the ones my heart desire. Getting up early versus late just sets tone for the day. When I wake up early I feel beautiful, the sun looks shiny, everything’s around me looks perfect, I feel like a perfect person and also I get to indulge in one of my most favorite breakfast bowls. It’s obvious for most of us that when we wake up late like around 9 or 10 we start hating everything around us aka we get into this BAD MOOD shit. Most of us feel what’s the point of doing the work we were doing when we have missed that important time slot. I mean half of the morning is gone now what am I left with. I will not do things that I was planning you do, most likely I would start procrastinating and that’s even worse. In order to wake up early, I would set 2 alarms for the morning. One alarm set 15 minutes before I actually need to get up just in case to warm up myself for the beautiful morning routine I have promised myself to follow. And then I will have my actual alarm set at a time I would finally wake up. It’s just a little tip that I use to get myself out of my bed because I sleep through my alarms like anything and most of the time it gets really really irritating. Not a pretty picture right but I m not a perfect person I believe in progress, not perfection. So yeah make two alarms if you need a little bit of help to get up early next morning.

Now that you have cultivated a good morning and night routine its time to cultivate small morning and night bedtime habits it will help you stay more organized as soon as you start your day and when you end it. You can add healthy habits to your morning or night routine whatever suits your soul. Do things like 10 min cleaning before bed, making the bed as soon as you wake up, reading a book before sleeping, having green tea, checking your planner for the next day, maintaining a gratitude journal, moving or rearranging things in your room, setting out your workout clothes for next day etc etc. Little healthy habits like these make your morning and night routine a bit easier and more organised.


Next tip that I would highly recommend you all to start from today and that is Planning. I love planning process it’s basically my favorite part of the day. I can plan the entire year in advance if I wish to but when it comes to doing it there is actually where my troubles come to life. But I have to keep myself motivated by saying “Stop thinking about it, Stop talking about it JUST DO IT”. We all fail at some point in life and get demotivated, the thing we are doing all wrong is thinking and thinking about crazy stuff. Don’t spend too much time thinking try and get more things done.Now I have divided planning into different categories. Obv planning is done for an enormous number of tasks. You plan your day, plan your routine, plan your meals, plan your studies etc etc. To make it short and understandable I have divided planning into 2:

Plan your meals
I live with my family and my mum cooks the lunch and dinner for us all so there is no point of planning out my meals. But I do plan my breakfast because it totally depends on me what I m craving for that day or I would say I want to give my day a healthy start. I plan my breakfast an evening before so that I can also go out for grocery shopping. So yeah I would recommend you all plan your meals in advance. Most people today do meal prep for an entire week and that is also a good thing because you can save a lot of your time to suit yourself.

Plan Your Day and Prioritize Your Tasks
Planning starts with a planner if you don’t own one buy a good one now or you can go for any type of organizational system you like. Planning your day is a key step towards having an organized life. You can use a physical planner or an online one anything your heart desire. Go for something that works best for you. I have dabbled in both for a little bit but I found that the physical planner works best for me. I can note down all the real stuff that is going on in my life on a piece of paper also I can block out time in my bullet journal for it to complete. I love making to-do lists for things that cant really be held accountable for a certain time. If your someone who is comfortable with online calendar google calendar will work best for you. Google calendar syncs with all your devices so you can manage your calendar on any device. If you don’t want to complicate things just maintain a normal calendar (physical or digital). It’s really easy to work on a calendar you are provided with enough space to write your tasks for the day. Start planning mark out important days, write important tasks that you want to complete, write goals you want to accomplish, birthdays to remember. Write anything and everything you want on a physical or online calendar. And that way everything will be right in front of you and under your control. Now all you need to do is focus and get those tasks completed. Making list and prioritizing tasks is the one best way to get most done throughout the day. Everything that is jumbled up in your brain gets it all out on a piece of paper and then figure out what to do with it. Sort it out, prioritize and get them completed. I like maintaining a daily to-do list as I have hell lot of stuff to get done throughout the day. They don’t need any fixed amount of time I can do all of them anytime I like. Its all about basics GIRL!!

Declutter, Declutter, and Declutter.

The most popular tip where most of us drop off is decluttering. If you are someone new at this and want to make a difference in your life start with Decluttering. Declutter your life, your room, your wardrobe, your digital devices everything. Declutter all the stuff that is not bringing joy and happiness to your life. Get rid of things that get you occupied and waste your time. There is nothing worse than having a ton of objects around you that you really don’t care for and that just brings your soul down. Chaotic life is a total mess trust me. There may be tonnes of things in your life to declutter. Sit down and make a list of all such things, this will help you get rid of them faster. Just ask a simple question to yourself before getting rid of something. Does it bring joy to your life? Do you use it daily? Is it really a necessity in your life? all those basic questions. If your answer is no for anything just toss it out I guarantee you won’t miss it ever.

Next, clean your workspace. Now your workspace can be anything from your entire room to just even a desk. Whatever you’re working with or working on making sure it’s organized because when you try and do things in an unorganized space and aura you’re gonna get unorganized thoughts. For me when my room is not tidy I cannot things straight so I like to clean my entire room often in order to keep my life together. For me when everything is all over the place I feel physically overwhelmed. I feel as if all this mess is burdening on me. Things like making your bed in the morning are such simple tasks it makes your room look so much nicer and organized. You feel productive a)you woke up early b) you made your bed at least you accomplished something as soon as the day started. That means you are off to a good start.

Self Care Routine

My next tip would be a general life tip and that is to spend less time on your phone and more in your self-care routine if you have 10 minutes to kill in between things you’re doing don’t grab your phone instead read a book, have a cup of green tea, meditate, do a happy dance, light a candle, take a walk and do all those little and big things that make your body happy. We always resort back to our phones any time we are free, Social Media is really a great thing for keeping up with people, getting inspired, learning new things etc etc. but it should not be a distraction for you. We all work hard and of course, we all need to take breaks. If you have accomplished a task than treat yourself with something good. Take a break if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed. I know I get overwhelmed easily especially since I make a todo list that carries a zillion of tasks and I get like OH My Gosh!! I don’t have enough time to do this and that. Don’t forget you have enough time to get things done if you start right. Not all work can be done in a day so when you feel stressed out take a break and relax your soul.

Digital Declutter & Break from Social Media

Now I will talk about 2 things in one tip. Digital declutter is as important as physical declutter. Store all the content on your computer into folders. And anything that you don’t need easy access to store it on a hard drive. Don’t forget always always backup your computer, laptop and cell phones this is the most important and crucial tip of all. If I lose my content by mistake I go crazy like insanely crazy. I cannot stress this enough so BACKUP guys.

There are many ways you can take a break from your social media and utilize your phone in a better way. We all have our phone next to us all day long so why not use it for a better purpose. I recommend you making use of the note app and the reminder app. They work as a lifesaver truly. If I think of something that I need to do or need to be reminded of when I m out and about I will make use of a reminder app. And using notes I will write down anything that comes to my mind or any task that I need to get done that day. It’s helpful for me because I get a lot of stuff running through my mind all day. Being a creative person I get a lot of ideas running through my mind and I don’t want to miss any single one of them so I would quickly add them to notes to work on later someday. All I wanna say is use anything productive from your phone to make a better use of it.

Just Do It Attitude

Make weekly goals. Put on tasks and goals that you really want to accomplish throughout the week, it could be learning new things, or bettering the older one. It will keep you motivated and on top of your tasks lists. Setting a goal for the week gives you some motivation to work towards. These goals can be about you, your work, your hobbies, your college, your Job anything. It can be anything from personal growth to picking up a new hobby. Just get more and more stuff done that your heart desires. And everything you are planning will only work if you have JUST DO IT attitude.

Don’t Pressurise Yourself

Don’t ever pressurize yourself with things you are doing. I know if you are a perfectionist like me you may feel a lot of pressure when doing daily tasks and living basic life. But try to take the pressure off yourself be proud that you accomplished some tasks, that you did your best at everything for the day even if you didn’t get every single thing done that was on your list for the day. If you try and manage to get at least one task done throughout the day trust me you had a productive day.

That concludes all of my tips on how to get your life together. I hope you guys will find this post useful and don’t forget at the end of the day it’s all about being practical and applying all these little tips and skills to your life. Just remember practice makes men perfect. Organisation is not something you are born with it’s something that you create within your life and grow with it.

Girlsworld, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, TheDiyThursday, Things to do

November:Plan with me

October Spread

Hello people Happy November, for me it’s really hard to believe that this is the second to last plan with me of the year 2017. I started doing it a little while ago and honestly, I m obsessed with it. I get so excited when it comes to creating a spread for the new month, on the other hand, it’s so crazy and hard to believe that the year is about to end but anyways until then let me take you back through the month of October. I want to apologize as I could not post my October spread I was badly occupied with family weddings and meetups so there was no chance I could plan on posting anything other than wedding pictures. Anyways I will take you through the month of October real quick. The images I have shared below will give you brief ideas about how my monthly spread was and how well did I use it. Just trying my best to come up with different ideas and creativity every month. I first started bullet journaling in the month of September and since it’s only been 3 months I m still learning and bettering myself with lettering and doodles so if you think I m getting wrong somewhere please feel free to correct me. Also, comment your ideas below I would love to hear from you guys too.

November Spread

That was for the month of October and with all those things being said let’s move onto setting up for the month of November. I loved my October spread a lot and so decided to stick to the same pattern for November with just a little variation on doodles. I wasn’t particularly following any theme for this month. I wanted to try something different but stay minimalist with everything. I don’t like adding too much stuff on my spread also I don’t like when pages look clumsy and messy. My style is to keep things cute yet minimalist. The images posted below are in same order as they are in my bullet journal for the November spread. You can look into it patiently and learn how I designed each page. I was trying to go with the flow because honestly I was having no solid idea when I started but I was sure that I would do some doodles on each page like I did for the month of October but this time only flowers and leaves. I have used the same notebook I used for September spread also the same black stick and ball pen by LUXOR. For this setup, you don’t need any kind of drawing perfection or lettering skills I have added some random doodles I was liking at that moment. From this spread, you can clearly depict that you can go ahead and literally draw anything your heart desires and that’s what I did basically. No complicated designs and doodles needed but if you feel like you are in desperate need of inspiration check out Pinterest it’s the best way to get your dose of motivation. As I was having little space at the bottom I drew a little calendar on First Page!!

Next comes the monthly log I did it completely different this time. It was so much fun trying out new things. Instead of drawing calendar view that I have been doing lately, I switched it with this pattern. Basically, I wrote down the dates and left 2 spaces for each date to write down events and tasks. On the empty sides, I went on with drawing some flowers. Looks super cute and is also super easy to create. For the entire spread, I pretty much went with a bunch of flower doodles as they are so amazing to work on. I decided to keep all the headers pretty simple as they were going perfectly with the kind of vibe I was going for. Next page is my master to-do list and I decided to split it up into two portions PERSONAL and BUSINESS and also I added some checkboxes. The ones I m underlining are reserved for the most important tasks of the month.

Next moving onto the weekly spread. The weekly spread that I m going to try this month is completely different from the ones I have been doing earlier. Normally I don’t to this big weekly spread and that too in advance but I m gonna be very busy and occupied for November and so I just wanted to make sure that I have enough space for each day to put up tasks and not forget to work on them later also I didn’t want to wait and worry about setting it later. If you will look at the pictures given below you will understand how it works it’s pretty self-explanatory. I have made this for 5 straight weeks. As you can see I have marked down weekdays from Monday to Friday and for the pages with little space, I added weekend too. Leave at least 5 lines for each day tasks you would be needing it. While I was drawing this page I kind of realized that this type of weekly log would work best for me as I love writing down everything and its similar to filling a to-do list only it’s a safer version. I can go back and recall what tasks I missed and completed. I was having little empty space at the end so I added 2 blocks one for Personal tasks and the other for Bussiness purpose.

I love creating the tracker’s page a lot because it’s not too high maintenance and same goes with the expense page. I keep track of bigger purchases so its a lot easier for me to keep up with this style also it does not take too much of my page space. My tracker’s page is usually quite basic Also, I have added doodles with all the headers otherwise it would have looked a bit boring and honestly I m in love with doodling these days so I thought why not. I have added 4 Trackers Habit Tracker, Sleep Log, Social Media and Expence Tracker.

Next page is for the highlights where I will share pictures and thoughts at the end of the month. These pages are super simple to create and easy to maintain. I designed Brain Dump page aka Scribbles page to look like a mess which is what it’s actually supposed to be. Getting all the thoughts and mess I have in my brain straight out onto this page. I used it to write some note and doodles and what not. I switched from Brain Dump to scribble word for this month. I believe it sounds a lot better than the brain dump. Again this page will be quite simple and organic. I will fill it with random things, thoughts and doodles. So this is the page for all that crazy stuff, filled with everything that doesn’t go anywhere.

Next comes the journalling page I have got so much used to it as I love filling a journal. I decided to give myself a little flexibility and left one line space for each day. It’s perfect for when I have super eventful days or when I have nothing to write about. At least there would be something about that day I could use to fill up that line.

And that’s all with this month’s spread. I hope you guys liked it and I m also sure you guys will take a little inspiration from my November spread for your monthly spreads. Weather it be for this month or next. If you guys have any ideas or suggestion please comment down below. Will be back with an amazing post XOXO


Girlsworld, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, Things to do

25 Things I’ve Learned In 25 Years

Hellow everybody welcomes back to my blog so today post is going to be a little bit different but anyways I m excited for it. While going through my list of post ideas (which is quite casual) I decided why not just sit down, grab a cup of tea and share some life lessons with you all. Also, I wanted to post this on my birthday but I couldn’t as I got caught up in few other things. Well, it was my birthday on 8 of September which is already gone I know but I turned 25 this year yayyee..!!! 25 and still killing it. I know for many of you guys it’s hard to believe that I m 25 but hell yeah I m. Every time I talk to someone about my age they are like “Girl Really, You look like 19???” and I m happy that I don’t look all grown up but anyway never judge a book by its cover I m much smarter than I look.
On this birthday I wanted to do something special so I decided to put together a list of 25 things that I have learned in 25 years. Well some of them are serious, some aren’t, some are life tips and rest are lessons and things I learned these past years. But most importantly all of them have a lot to do with me, what I m today and the way I have grown in 25 years as a person. This post doesn’t really serve a purpose unless you’re here to know a bit more of the insight of my life, the way I think and live it. But anyway I hope you guys enjoy reading this and if you do be sure to like this post also don’t forget to follow me if you haven’t already and let’s get started.

1. Do what you love and do it often don’t think about others.

2. Pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings what you think and feel is what you attract.

3. Don’t waste time. Utilise it in the best way possible because once it has gone it won’t come back. Timing has a lot to do with everything.

4. Don’t compare yourself with others you’re beautiful the way you are.

5. Not everyone thinks the same way you think and it’s ok to have different opinions. You can change your thinking anytime you want.

6. Create, if an opportunity doesn’t exist Create it if an idea doesn’t exist Create it. Never say no to new things and new opportunities.

7. Your feelings are always valid don’t be hard on yourselves. Take as much as time you need to heal.

8. Breathe in the FUTURE and Breathe out the PAST. Nothing is gonna last forever time is the best healer, forget about your past and start planning your future. Things will never go back to how they used to be and that’s totally ok as long as you ready to move on.

9. The most beautiful things in life are moments and feelings cherish them.

10. If it makes you nervous it’s worth doing. Explore you’ve got ONE Life.

11. Don’t spend too much time thinking about one thing, Just get it done.

12. Talk to others the same way you want others to talk to you.

13. Focus on positive and stay away from the negative whether it be a thought or a person. Keep yourself busy to stay away from negativity.

14. Know exactly what you want and don’t stop until you get it.

15. Get into a hobby, I m sure you’ll find one.

16. Invest in those who invest in you.

17. You will not like everyone and not everyone is going to like you.

18. Recognise your mistake and work on it instead of running away from it.

19. Try and learn new things, you can learn a new skill if you can just try as learning has no age.

20. Always be grateful to God for everything he has given you. Most of us take things and our life for granted.

21. Believe in yourself, you can shine bright like a diamond. Never hustle for your worth. Life can suck sometimes but everything will be ok if you just BeYourself.

22. You don’t need a reason to help others. Do it because it feels great.

23. Adopt animals because it makes them happy. Well, it makes us happy too!!

24. Fight for your rights and happiness, Start now.

25. Live in now, enjoy the journey of life. Stay happy ALWAYS.

That’s all for today’s post people I hope you learned something positive from today. Be sure to like this post if you do and don’t forget to share things that you have learned in the comment section down below. Would love to hear from you guys. Will be back with an amazing post XOXO

D.I.Y, Girlsworld, MyLifeMonday, TheDiyThursday, Things to do

Plan With Me : September Bullet Journal

It seems like forever since I posted anything. Anyways hey guys I really hope I m not the only one whose late on sharing the September bullet journal setup. In spite of all the technical issues, I finally decided to post this up because I have worked with all my heart for it.
Before I get right into it I would like to share how and why I started this. I used to work on a planner earlier to fill up my daily to-do list but the second it was full I felt so bored up. I was no longer planning on getting a new instead I realized I should try something different as I was no longer enjoying filling up that planner. I saw many youtube videos on “Plan with Me” for different months I got so inspired by it that I got 2 new brand new notebooks to get started. You can see how excited I got!! I didn’t want to let that enthusiasm and motivation in me to DIE so I worked on it THE next day. By the way, the notebook aka journal I used are from the Archies store, the collection was amazing I got so confused while picking up the two but then I decided to go with the quotes I loved. And also it was my first time with this bullet journaling thing so I decided not to complicate or overdo things and took inspiration from the youtube videos. God, there are sooo many amazing artists working with such an amazing creativity as a beginner it’s hard for me to match their level but then why not try and learn new things. I remember Practice Makes a Man Perfect right!!!. Out of so many amazing artists, I decided to go with MyLifeInABullet’s August edition as my September theme but il mention that I took ideas from many other artists too and you’ll see that below. Her theme is quite simple and cute which attracted me to try. I m not a person who likes to mess up with simple things neither do I believe in keeping stuff boring you know what I mean.
To see how I got inspired from YouTube to work on my very Plan with Me Bullet Journalling keep reading and as I I have shared almost every tits and bits about it now it’s time to get straight into it.

As I have told you earlier my beautiful notebook is from ARCHIES with this amazing and inspiring quote written all over its which says Stay True Stay You. A perfect quote to get me started. Also the pens I m using are classmate and Luxor pointed tip black pens. I m still learning how to use brush pens I decided not to experiment on this journal as it’s my first time. As a beginner, I will just go with simple black gel pens for now.

This theme is simple and super cute but if you guys have selected a theme for September already I would suggest you try this sometime later in future. If you will visit her channel which I m sure you all would because she is amazing, you’ll see I have tried my best to use her theme in my way and still kept everything look put together. Adding my creativity to it was a task but as I was doing it I kind of started enjoying it and got into such a great momentum that everything seemed simple later. The cloud theme which she used is perfect for the summer as it’s not wintering yet in my country. It’s such a great option for people who like to keep things a little-balanced example ME. Not denying I wanted to try something really different until I realized it’s my first time and I should not complicate things better keep it simple. Drawing clouds and paper planes is the best option if you’re a beginner like me as it’s fun to work with. Easy yet cute. Going for a simple design was my ultimate target as I was more focused on the content that I’ll be including into my bullet journal.

Keeping your theme simple and flexible will help you enough to keep up with it otherwise you are more likely to waste a lot of your time drawing or give you would give up or end up just filling in your messy to do list because it’s quicker and practical.

I m starting by drawing a monthly log, keeping it a bit different but also combining it with the standard calendar layout with the vertices version. And you can see this is what came out of it. To be honest with you guys I m not sure how my lettering and calligraphy has gone for this month but I promise to improve it for the next month cause I so badly want to do it. Moving on, my plan was to draw little icons with a different color so that I can see how busy my month is gonna be and what all things are needed to be done in this month. Using a pink highlighter pen I have blocked out some important days that are reserved for one important task. For example, I m going to be celebrating my birthday the next week so I have marked that out too. It will help me to take the time off and focus on one thing only and I did this for all the similar events and the bottom side I have used for a more detailed planning.

On the next page, I have added a To-Do List for the entire month. I will put up all the things that I want to complete throughout the month of September. It’s the best page because I tend to forget things but if I will put that up here I m more likely to keep a track of it. Just recall everything and write it down or you can add things later in future.

For this page, I decided to draw a monthly log with little more space basically it’s the bigger version of the one I made earlier. The reason behind making it this big is I can add a lot of things to it. It will work as my mini to-do list for each day doesn’t that sound great?? Admit it we all need a daily to-do list notebook to add things we need to get done that day and what else can be great if you have one mini added to your bullet journal. At least it’s better than putting work on a different piece of paper and carrying it when it has 100% chance of getting misplaced.

On the next page I was just having fun with my creativity you can do anything your heart desires. Just play with it put up quotes and things that inspire you. You can also put a picture or write anything you like. My point of keeping things simple and cute was to keep me motivated to use my bullet journal.

On the next page I added my habit and mood tracker, trust me I really needed this one. I have no idea how many habits I m working on currently but I will try and put up everything there I can remember. Little scared of how m I going to keep up with them but m so sure this habit and mood trackers will help me a lot to keep track of these things. The quality of my sleep also affect my mood throughout the day so I believe these two are important and connected to each other and that’s why I will need to add both of them.

The following page includes my Sleep and Social Media log. I m working so hard on my sleeping habits these days and this log will surely help me track at what time I wake up and go to bed. Another important reason for me doing this is actually I wanna see the correlation between the headaches and eye pains I m getting and my sleeping pattern. It’s obvious that I m not getting enough sleep but I still wanna give this thing a try as I hope it will help me more sleep.

I will also try and share it with you guys whatever happens in the next month’s bullet journaling. As I have mentioned it’s my first-time with bullet journalling but I will try my best to stick to it keeping it not just a one-time thing and fingers crossed will see how things go.

Next, I needed to add an expense tracker because I have kind of started feeling an urgent need of it to know where my money is actually going?? just adding things I buy throughout the month and I m done that all I need to keep a record of my money. I know I will find this helpful regardless. I have just divided the page into 3 section one for putting dates second to add the product I got and the third one is for the amount I invested. Simple eh??

On the following page, I decided to do a weekly log because I knew that I would be needing it. I added a weekly log, divided it into 5 blocks with different weekly headers, I was left with little space on the right side and I made use of it by adding two more blocks with heading Goals and Don’t Forget. Goals for things to be achieved this month and Don’t Forget for the tasks to be completed this month.

Next, I added the Brain Dump page I know I will use it more often as I have stopped writing my morning pages. This will help me get all the shit out of my brain right on this sheet of paper. Pretty helpful for a person like me. I love writing about goods and bads of life in just a line.

Next, I wanted to make a checklist for all the stuff I will be doing the entire month in different categories. For this, I added 3 different pages for my personal projects like Bow Ideas, Blog Ideas, and Photography Ideas. These pages will truly be used for filling specific details in the following categories, you can put any thoughts or ideas here anytime and work on them later. I really need to keep things all together so that I do not miss anything while I m working on any one of these projects and including all 3 of them into this bullet journal will keep me organized. I always write down things on a random piece of paper and they are most likely to get lost and nowhere to be found so this is the best way for me to keep a genuine record. Also, the best way to use your journal pages for personal projects like these otherwise, we tend to waste a lot of our time flipping through different work notebooks.

Next, I moved on to the journaling section. As I have told you I m not writing my morning pages anymore. I m super busy and occupied by my work for now and it’s not easy to fill up 3 pages about a day instead I thought why not include journalling into this notebook. All I have to do is write one thing about my day and that’s it. I think I liners are the best way one can describe the day. The best way to use each line is to make the summary of the day and put it up here. So that when you flip back through this month you can remember what all did. However, your day is good or bad you will always find something to write about it. Be creative share your thoughts, wishes what all you have been going through, your feeling, anything just get it all out. I believe ist a super safe and cute space to open up.

Lastly to finish off this months bullet journal I decided to make a highlight page nothing fancy or special just a simple highlight page which I will be using at the end of the month and while photographing I noticed that I already filled the page with some highlights that happened so far. I feel it’s ok if you fill it during the month if you are more likely to forget about it.

And with this, I m all done for the Plan With me Bullet Journalling SEPTEMBER edition. This is all what my minimalist bullet journal for the September would look like. I hope you guys like this post and if you hit the like button I would like to create more such post in future. Also, share your bullet journalling tips with me by commenting them down below I would love to try them. Will be back with an amazing post Love you all XOXO

Girlsworld, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, Things to do

Gratitude Can Change Your Life


I remember this quote from Pinterest and I love it, I look up to it everytime I see it on my inspiration board. You guys may have known by now that my Mondays are all about BASICS in life, small but important topics we miss talking about because we have all surrounded ourselves with those big and successful career goals, dreams, a luxurious lifestyle we want in future which makes it easier for us to forget about basic happiness that makes our life A LIFE. I particularly love my Monday topics as they help me freely express my feeling about life, my way of thinking and living a healthy wealthy LIFE. I like to pick out topics that have changed my life and by sharing which I can change the life of others. If you are reading this I bet you have a shelter, you have food, you have clothes, you have a family and most people in the world are missing out these in their lives but have you ever been grateful to God for giving you all these?? NO, you may never have but it’s never too late to start something good I m right or I m right?? Some people have stuck in this never ending cycle of getting more and more in life in spite of having so much, so my post is especially to help them out.

Gratitude Heightens Quality Of Life

Gratitude being an absolutely crazy game changer is one thing that has always always been top on my priority list and also one thing that changed my life. There was a time in my life when everything was falling apart, breaking into pieces I couldn’t dare to pick up and secure in one place. I was feeling scared and shattered it’s when gratitude rescued me from an utterly bad period of time. I know it’s not just me in this entire world who deals with bad days but many of you guys out there go through the same shitty things like me because at the end of the day how can we forget this is LIFE. If you’re also at a stage in your life where you want to move away from certain space or you strive for success in future, working hard to accomplish your goals there is nothing wrong in being grateful to God for everything he has given you now and for everything you want from him for your future. Everybody is different in this world some people love believing in God and some don’t but it’s not wrong to reach out to him and thank him for allowing you live one more beautiful day. I m kind of person who thanks God for every single, every little detail he has allowed me to feel in my life because this is who I m and this makes me feel happy and satisfied. I like to start my day by thanking him for goals he helped me achieve also I ask him for more courage to work harder and achieve greater than yesterday. Sometimes I like to end my day on the same note. I have not been like this forever in my life, there was a time when things changed and I reached out for good vibes, attracted all positive things around me and Gratitude was first among those. The day I started doing to now I feel an immense amount of change in my life its hard to believe but gratitude can really and truly change everything and anything in your life. I learned this good habit from many of the YouTubers I follow on youtube. One thing I love about lifestyle YouTubers is that they all like to spread this positive vibes thing because it works and it makes you happy.

It’s almost a year now that I m maintaining a gratitude journal. During first 5 days, I felt like writing than not, I felt too boring to look at it, hold it and share my thoughts with it because reading and writing was never my thing though I loved planning special days. But as soon as my perspective changed about life I started feeling the real change which I obvs. wanted for so long. I released that God is with me he is watching me, watching my steps, answering my prayers and now that I have got so addicted to gratitude first thing I do while enjoying my morning latte is filling my gratitude journal.
5 Things I m Grateful For
5 Mini Goals Prayer

Notice and Appreciate Each Day

Gratitude will change your perspective, how you look at life and how it looks back at you. It will make your everyday amazing rather than being just another boring day. With gratitude, you open your heart, eyes, and mind to all those beautiful things out there in the world, things you already have in your life. You will learn to appreciate small and big things alike, things that fall together to complete your life. You will learn to live a happy, rich and fuller life. You will feel surrounded by positive abundance and with gratitude, you will attract more abundance in your life. One more thing if you will never be grateful to God for everything he has given you now you will never feel you have enough in your life.Sometimes I keep on writing about that one thing which I desperately want to achieve in my life. Accomplishing lots of things in life and looking successful on the outside is not enough it seems useless if you are not having gratitude with you every day, be thankful to God for everything he has given you otherwise you will be left craving for more and more. Once you start feeling grateful for all small and big things you have in life you’re certainly gonna feel you have more and more to be grateful for. It’s basically an expansion of positivity, joy, happiness, love and all good things. Gratitude is all you need to live a happy and successful life. It truly helps you appreciate everything you have and you want in your life. I believe gratitude is enough to make you feel happier and fuller. If you can bring more gratitude to your life you are sure to attract lots of positivity, success, happiness and a good attitude into it. Without gratitude, you will easily attract bad things and bad attitude and most importantly you will never feel happy and satisfied to live a successful life. I think a lot of people in the world have this problem especially the youngsters they want everything fast and now, not to forget about people who never feel like they have enough to live a happy & healthy life. Even though they have a lot they feel like something is missing out in their life and it’s nothing but GRATITUDE.

Practice Gratitude

Sometimes I keep on writing about that one thing which I desperately want to achieve in my life. Accomplishing lots of things in life and looking successful on the outside is not enough it seems useless if you are not having gratitude with you every day, be thankful to God for everything he has given you otherwise you will be left craving for more and more. Once you start feeling grateful for all small and big things you have in life you’re certainly gonna feel you have more and more to be grateful for. It’s basically an expansion of positivity, joy, happiness, love and all good things. Gratitude is all you need to live a happy and successful life. It truly helps you appreciate everything you have and you want in your life. I believe gratitude is enough to make you feel happier and fuller. If you can bring more gratitude to your life you are sure to attract lots of positivity, success, happiness and a good attitude into it. Without gratitude, you will easily attract bad things and bad attitude and most importantly you will never feel happy and satisfied to live a successful life. I think a lot of people in the world have this problem especially the youngsters they want everything fast and now, not to forget about people who never feel like they have enough to live a happy & healthy life. Even though they have a lot they feel like something is missing out in their life and it’s nothing but GRATITUDE.

Live Life

We don’t want to admit it but we really have everything we need in our life it is enough for us but this craving of getting more and more never leaves our body and mind or allows us to rest, on the other hand with gratitude we can have more but with a peaceful heart and mind. There are days while sitting alone you may start feeling you are not yet where you want to be, you have not achieved enough but trust me with this one because I have survived such crucial stage of my life happily by bringing gratitude into my life which today has helped me feel fuller. I just feel a lot better in general and my perspective has shifted to a more positive one. I decided to change my life for better and if you wanna do it too do it now. I want to encourage every single reader reading this post to cultivate more gratitude in their life, mind, heart, words, and thoughts. When you wake up to think about what all things you are grateful for that day. Keeping a gratitude journal has helped me maintain that flow. My morning starts with writing 5 things I m grateful for in my gratitude journal. It’s up to you if you like you too can have a morning or night gratitude period just write 5 things you are truly grateful for. Being a creative person it has helped me explore my creativity as I like to be grateful for the little details of life. I write different things each day I m loving, things that make my day even more beautiful. Constantly writing the same thing can bore you from gratitude which is not right. Gratitude should come from your heart, your soul not your hand. I like to be specific about things I m being grateful for and then I work on my creativity to find more and more things I should be grateful for that day. Don’t forget Gratitude is a part of success, happiness. If you guys are interested I would like to share what all things I like to write in my gratitude journal. Just comment below and I would be glad to help you all.

I like to keep track of all positive details, things that keep me happy, things that I m grateful for, my joy, my achievements, my success, my needs, my surrounding, my health everything that makes me what I m TODAY. Writing my achievements and being grateful for them is how I like to celebrate my victories, my happiness with myself. I think everyone should do it and start doing it right now. Share your creativity with me by writing 5 or more things you are truly grateful for in your life in the comment box below. I would love to read your thoughts but all I need you guys is to be more specific while writing them down. I promise you will feel amazing, you will surely witness a positive change in your life. Other than that I will be back with an amazing post. See you all very very soon XOXO

Body care, fitness, FitnessFriday, Girlsworld, lifestyle, Things to do

How To:Detox Your Body Naturally

How is it going, guys!! During weekends my body starts feeling little lazy, tired, bloated and heavy. I don’t feel like being my real self. Life goes completely out of sink at least for me I guess because I know I eat a hell lot of crap during these days. So to help many other people in the world like me I decided to share few things which I usually try and do to detox my body to feel alive and fresh and get back on my health & fitness track under today’s #FitnessFriday section. I just feel good, all those good and healthy vibes around me help me feel like being myself all over again. I have been feeling pretty unhealthy lately but this year as I promised myself to be definitely healthier than ever before I m just giving my body the refreshment it needs, you know flush out those toxins in a natural way.

Drink Hot Lemon Water: The first thing I like to do is drink hot water as soon as I wake up even before I brush my teeth. I will be truthful, this doesn’t happen every single day but I do try to have it most of my mornings. It pretty much wakes up for the day and gives my body a jolt of energy plus keep things moving inside my body. If you know what I mean!! You have to do this right after you wake up before you have anything else like your breakfast. Adding lemon to normal water help with digestion and detoxification plus it also gives that extra boost of Vitamin C to your body. Staying properly hydrated can give you clearer skin and improve your circulatory, respiratory as well as the digestive system.

Foods To Avoid: If you really wanna detox your body there are some food items that you need to stay away at any cost. Otherwise, they are gonna make your body more bloated. Don’t blame me, I m warning you.

  • Dairy
  • Processed Food
  • Sugar

Pretty much anything that falls along those lines just try and stay away from them. I m trying my best to stay from sugar as much as I possibly can but some things are soo soo good especially for me My Frozen COFFEE with ICE CREAM, I basically live for it.

Green Tea: Replace your morning coffee with a cup of green tea. I know many of us are obsessed with starting our day with a coffee sip but consider switching to green tea because it’s so much better for your heath. Green tea consists of healthy antioxidants and gives you a slight caffeine boost without making you feel so wired. So have green tea morning or evening as it’s a great way to relax and detox naturally without doing much.

Meditate or Detox Yoga: Another great way to detox your body is by doing some yoga exercises. Toxins can come in many different forms and stress is a huge one, meditating or doing yoga can help you detoxify your body and mind by the release of stress. Deep breathing also encourages the body to eliminate carbon dioxide, lactic acid, lymphatic fluid and other waste. I love doing yoga, it helps keep my digestion moving, also exercising and sweating a little bit will help your body detox in a better way. And if you don’t like yoga go for any of your favorite exercises, just try and work up a good sweat for like 30 minutes. If you want me to share my yoga routine comment down below I would be glad to help.

Exercise Regularly: Get in a proper workout routine and sweat it all out. Exercising is not just for losing weight it’s also important for body detoxification. When you exercise you sweat out toxins from your body and all these helps with your digestion, circulation and organ functions.  Exercise makes you feel happy and amazing by the release of endorphins. So what are you waiting for work up that sweat and let out those toxins. No matter what I m doing I manage to workout at least 20 minutes a day.

Detox Smoothie: Another great way to detox is with a healthy detox smoothie. Now it’s not important that all smoothies have to be full of sugar, mine is never comprised of it. A great way to drink your favorite smoothie is by having it as your afternoon, evening or mid-morning snack. You can have it anytime you’re feeling hungry. Replace a meal each day with any of your favorite healthy smoothies and I love to start most of my mornings with a hearty recipe. It’s my favorite way to get real fruits and green veggies into my diet. The best part of smoothies is that they are so customizable. You can add whatever you like to give you the kind of boost your body needs. I like to use whatever fruits or veggies I have on hand that day but make sure to use all natural ingredients to get the vitamins and fiber you need for a healthy digestive immune system. A healthy smoothie in the morning will give you great energy and hydration for the rest of the day. Grab a smoothie when you are in need of something to get you through the day. I like to call my fav watermelon smoothie as my morning PICK ME UP snack.

Eat More Fibre: Eat more fiber in the natural form, our digestive track can hold onto toxins and preservatives and other leftover wastes from foods we put into our body. So including natural fiber into your diet can help things moving through your digestive track. All those toxins waste or anything that has build up over time will get a much-needed push out your body. You will feel so much lighter and healthier. Fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and whole foods are all sources of fiber.

Drink More Water: Well all of us should be doing this every single day and I keep saying about drinking more water in most of my health posts because it’s something I like to do a lot to keep my body healthy. Drink more water but when you are trying to detox add some lemon or cucumber to it like I do because these things have some good health properties that help flush out all the impurities and toxins out of our body. When I add these to my regular water it feels like I m having a special spa day. One of the real cheap way to detox your body naturally. You’re doing more to your body by spending less. Today there are so many apps available, you can use any of them to track your water intake if you want to be precise.

Get Enough Sleep: The last thing is to try and get enough sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep your body doesn’t know what to do with itself, it makes all wrong choices and you start eating bad food too. So have enough sleep and your body will finally thank you for it later. I love NAPs, the day I drink a good amount of water and my favorite green tea I m able to take get a good amount of sleep too as I manage to sleep on time.

So these were some of my favorite tips and tricks that make me feel less bloated and not so heavy. Do mention in the comment box below one thing that you try to naturally detox your body. Let’s share the knowledge and get healthy together. Will be back soon with an amazing post-XOXO

Girlsworld, Life Hacks, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, Things to do

How to Stop Being Messy & Lazy

Oh my gosh the weather has certainly got mad in my city. It’s Like someday hot and someday cold. When I m out I can feel my skin burn under the sun but the moment I m  home my skin and lips get dry as hell. But keeping all those things aside I m all focussed on sharing some tips on “How to Stop Being Lazy” under today’s’ #MyLifeMonday section. I m still pretty much working on this one but I do want to share few tips that have helped me save my ass and get my shit together in time. Before we start I have a question for you all.

What do you mean by “Staying Focussed”?

The answer most probably is not being distracted or having a workflow. or when everything seems to fall together instead of falling apart. Well for me “Staying Focussed” means when you’re in the moment you don’t even notice how the time flies by because you are so immersed in what you are doing, the creativity is flowing inside out. Basically, you’re set on fire to achieve your goals.

Below are few tips that have helped me not be lazy or messy and feel productive most of the time:

Time Managment: So my first tip for you all is “Time Managment”. You have to set time for not all but few things to stay organized and not be lazy. Just plan your day according to time in advance, like what work or project you will be focussing on, when will you take a break and start again. For eg say for 2 hours around 4 pm I will be focusing on this piece of work muting everything around me. This way you can mentally prepare yourself for the work you are going to do plus you are not gonna feel stressed out easily. If you will not plan what need to be done at what time, your mind will get surrounded by way too many tasks and you won’t be able to complete one. Scheduling your time will help you know that you have enough time to complete all your work by the end of the day and it will get down your anxiety and stress level to get back to your business again.

Value Your Tasks: When I have lots of things to do on my lists I like to find value in each task that I m going to do. It means to know and understand what is that thing about that work which is motivating you to get it done. If you’re feeling too lazy to go to the gym, wear your clothes and think about the after effects of going to the gym now (eg you will be fitter and healthier) you would get rewards for sticking to this thing now and will be thanking yourself later. So just try and find at least one motivating thing in that task that can make you get up and do it.

Keep Your Head Clear: It’s very important to clear your head before you sit down to focus on something new. When you’re focusing on one thing you should not think about anything else like what is about to happen 2 days later on that project or whatever. Focus on now, go to a gym or local park for a quick walk to just clear your head of all thoughts going on in your mind and get out those stress hormones too. It’s all about clearing your mind before you sit down to work. Maybe you can’t always do that but you can always meditate for at least 5 minutes at the same place your sitting for a peace of mind and body. There is one thing that has changed my life when I feel lazy or start procrastinating I would go out for a quick walk to clear my head, this way I can get back to work easily, on time and feel productive again.

Stay Positive, Stay Focussed: Talk about good feelings when you achieve something. When I decide to do my workout even though I m dying and my muscles hurt or I m sweating I keep going because it feels soo good later. All you have to do is keep reminding yourself of all those great feelings you got to achieve later. All those positive energies you will get when you will put your entire heart and time into your work. You just have to focus on the way that completing tasks makes you feel. There is something really satisfying and relaxing once I get over with my entire to-do list. Always concentrate on the good feelings you get from achieving something it will help you stay positive forever.

To-Do List: As you guys know I m a to-do list freak, also I had shared it on my Instagram page and in most of my motivational blog posts. My list is always always close to me. Preparing To do list is my absolute favorite thing, why because I can get everything out, visualize and see what things I have to do. Another good thing about to-do list is when you have a really large set of tasks that are extremely urgent and overwhelming you can break it down into smaller tasks and that’s why I like to use my todo list often. Smaller tasks seem more achievable and you will most likely start working on it.

Get Rid of Your phone: When you start to work or you’re just trying to be focussed put everything on mute by everything I mean everything your phone, tv, computer, family everything that can distract you. Focus 100% on what you’re doing to see the proper results. I have not shared this with many people but it’s been a year or something since I haven’t used a cell phone. Its a very long story but the positive results are I feel much more active and productive now than I was before. I do not easily get distracted because I don’t have a phone. Well, I m not asking you to get rid of your phone forever or a year but what I m saying is just put it aside when you’re trying to focus on your work.

Eat and Get Going: You need to stay physically prepared all the time. It’s very important to eat healthily and get your body going. If not a proper workout routine just stretches your body or walk for 10 minutes between work gap. Move around your body to not feel lazy. Always have something on your hand to eat like a fruit bowl or your favorite healthy smoothie something that will energize you to work more. When you will eat everything light and fresh you will have more energy to float through all your tasks rather than smashing through them. Eating light and healthy will help you feel more productive plus you will get more work done that day due to your high energy level.

Follow a Ritual: Following a ritual has been an important part of my life. Have something next to you that can motivate you to stay focused. For me, I like to have a cup of green tea or latte, a bottle of water, my to-do list, some old good songs playing, be in my comfiest clothes blah blah around me whenever I m working. It can be different for different people for some they cannot be too comfy while working or staying focused they like to sit up straight while working so suit yourself. It’s just important to get to know yourself to realize what all things you want around you to stay focussed. All this can trigger you to be in your most productive mode. Time and surrounding do matter too. There are a few thing which I need to complete in the daylight and some which I like to work on during night hours.

Train Your Mind and Body: I think when it comes to stop being lazy all we need to do is training our mind and body into thinking that doing things is actually what we want. It’s all about tricking yourself, basically just reminding yourself continuously that this is going to be good for you and make your day more productive. Switch your thinking and shut all negative thoughts. Get surrounded by all positive vibes. Instead of saying I can’t do this say I can do this and then upgrade from I can do this to I will do this and sooner you reach to I have completed this. It’s all about switching from words like I hope and I think to I know and I will because there is nothing impossible in this world for you. You will get all things done, just get into that “I CAN DO IT” attitude.

Don’t Work Late Night: There was a time when I was too obsessed with working late night while everybody else in my family was asleep. I still work at night but not too late though. It is for me that I can concentrate best at night because there is nothing around that could bother or stress me out at night but when we talk about biology on how our minds work its like we are most active under light and we get tired when it is dark. So I guess it’s better to have a stress free nights so that you can wake up fresh and happy the next day. One more thing that I like to do when I know that I have a big day ahead of me is to make sure that I get a good night sleep. Ever since I got the kittens they both wake me up a number of times while sleeping. My sleeping pattern is so badly messed up right now because they keep jumping around the entire house in the middle of the night. Things have been very different for me lately and I have not been having the best sleep of my life from the last couple of months. But I m trying really hard to get a good night sleep and thank goodness I have managed to get a few. I feel so happy and energized the next day plus I feel I can get more things done than usuals.

Thank you guys for reading this post. Tell me your best tips on how to stop being lazy and staying focused in the comment box below. I would love to know all of your tips and implement them in my life. Will be back with a super amazing post-XOXO

Food, Girlsworld, recipe, Things to do, TriedNewTuesday

Cappachino & Mocha Frappuccino: Perfection In A Cup

I only have two words for today Cappuccino and Frappuccino oh man!! I m so in love with coffees these days and I believe that my posts may be truly depicting that. Now when I have learned to make all my favorite coffee house recipes at home I m so much more excited to try more and more each day. I know I know my waistline is going to be very very sorry but my taste buds, on the other hand, are throwing an awesome party making me crave for more and more coffee each day. It’s time to forget heading to your favorite coffee house for a coffee fix and make your own mocha frappuccino at home!

Today under #TriedNewTuesday section I will be sharing these 2 amazing coffee house recipes. First, we will be talking about Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino. It’s not a proprietary Starbucks recipe but it’s just a copycat clone that will save your time and money and most importantly you can treat yourself with a cup of homemade Starbucks drink anytime and it will take only 5 minutes of your entire day.


  1. 2 Shots Espresso, Chilled
  2. 1/3 Cup Milk (frothed and cooled)
  3. 1 Tablespoon Sugar
  4. 1 Large Cup Ice Cubes
  5. 2 Tablespoon Chocolate Syrup
  6. Whipped Cream or Ice Cream for serving, a little Chocolate Syrup


  • In a blender add 1 cup of ice cubes and 1/3 cup of chilled espresso.
  • Make sure your coffee is chilled. Add 1/3 cup of milk(any milk of choice)
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar. Then 2 tablespoon of chocolate syrup.
  • Blend for about 30 seconds or until smooth.
  • Viola, you have an easy homemade Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino. It’s a refreshing drink for your hot summer days. Easy and delicious!

Without a doubt, this is the best homemade cappuccino recipe I have ever tried from Pinterest. The end product is creamy and smooth with a strong but not too strong taste of coffee. I would like to call this as “Perfection In A Cup”. Each day I drink this coffee and I m left craving for more so I concocted this frothy mixture. I don’t own a proper espresso or a cappuccino machine but I could create the exact decadent drink using my blender. Coz you gotta use what you gotta have girl!! And there are so many amazing recipes available on the internet these days that won’t even require this high quality and expensive gadgets to create your favorite drink.

This simple homemade version of cappuccino in not as perfect as one made with fancy gadgetry but it guaranteed hits the spot when you need a shot of caffeine as soon as you wake up in the morning without taking a trip to your local coffee shop early morning. I know all of these drinks are somewhat related to each other but I could not resist myself from getting my hands on each of this recipe list for at least once and why not because for me summer is all about COFFEE!!


  1. 1 Cup Milk
  2. Cinnamon or Cocoa Powder for garnish(optional)
  3. 2-3 Ounces Brewed Espresso ( double shot)


  • Using an espresso machine or a regular blender brew 2 shots of espresso.
  • Steam 1 cup milk and generate a good amount of thick froth for cream using a blender. Remember you need to create more foam than you usually create for a latte. Place your heated milk in a lidded jar and shake vigorously, whip the milk for a minute or two until it’s nice and frothy. Make sure you use a jar large enough that leaves room for creating a thick foam.
  • Next, pour espresso into a serving mug, now slowly pour steamed frothed milk into the coffee. A cappuccino should be equal parts coffee and foam with about half the amount of milk. Using a spoon you can empty the foam and top your cappuccino with half of thick foam if required.
  • Dust with Cinnamon or cocoa powder if desired and its ready to serve and that’s how you can make a cappuccino without a machine.

Yes, it that simple!! If you try any of this coffee recipe please lemme know in the comment box below. I would love to hear from you all, will be back with an amazing post XOXO

Food, Girlsworld, lifestyle, recipe, Things to do

Iced Mocha & Mocha Latte: Newest Obsession


Coffee being my recent obsession I especially love mochas. Let me tell you it’s all about MOCHA today hot or cold. I wanted to share this mocha recipe with you all from a long time because it has been my recent weekend favorite also I m sorry I could not post under #TriedNewTuesday on time as I promised but there were few urgent orders that I needed to dispatch in time. Please accept my apologies that I could not deliver these amazing recipes to you on time but m really really getting carried away by workload still trying to keep my shit together.  Talking about today here I m sharing 2 amazing food posts back to back. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed making them. Having Pinterest as my best friend I love making coffeehouse drinks at home and for this one, you won’t even need an espresso machine as well!! nor you do have to plan ahead and make some double strength coffee and have it chilled a night before. I prepare my 1 batch at the moment m ready to make a coffee. I guess preparing in advance for the week is boring, also I love to use things fresh to make my drinks! Saving money and having one of my favorite coffee beverages at home makes me feel like I m in heaven and the coffee recipes I m sharing with you every Tuesdays are a way to easy to give a try. When I feel like having a pampered morning I make my coffee just after I wake up. I will put all the things I will need in the fridge and go for an amazing shower because 30 minutes later everything would be perfectly ready for me to make the coffee. The recipe I m sharing today makes 1 tall beverage. If you want for 2, double it. Even if you only replace your daily coffee shop drinks with this once a week you could save in thousands at the end end of the year. Trust me with this!!

If I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life it would be ICED COFFEE!!

Things You Will Need:

  1. 1 cup ice
  2. 1/4 cup strongly brewed coffee
  3. 3/4 cup milk
  4. 2-3 tbsp chocolate syrup (to taste)
  5. Whipped cream or Ice cream (to decorate)


  1. Fill a glass 2/3 full of ice(about a cup)
  2. Add 1/4 cup of double strength chilled coffee
  3. Add 3/4 cup of chilled frothed milk(you can use a blender to froth your milk)
  4. Drizzle in 2 tbsp of chocolate syrup. I have used mine favorite Hersheys chocolate syrup.
  5. The next step is completely optional but I bet your drink will look fabulous when it will be topped with some whipped cream, cocoa powder, and a little more chocolate syrup.


  • All you need to do is to Layer in a glass: ice, coffee, milk and 2 tbsp chocolate syrup.
  • Stir with a straw then add more chocolate syrup if desired
  • Top with an ice cream and add more syrup.

So delicious!!

Mocha Latte

It’s time to give up your favorite coffeehouse mocha latte to save some money and don’t you worry guys this mocha latte recipe is very easy. It will just need 5 minutes of your entire day. I won’t lie but I m completely obsessed with mocha latte geez it tastes so freaking good. My morning sand my late night work is sponsored by mocha most of the time.

Forget about all those amazing coffee house drinks you fell in love with at your neighborhood coffee place. Talking about me I don’t like my city coffee house drinks as they are a way too boring for me or maybe I haven’t tried some good places yet but I bet I can make far better than them and though I m putting myself into trying new recipes each day I m learning new things. Homemade drinks are not only pocket-friendly but they can cost you just pennies that too in just 5 minutes. Doesn’t it sound cool?

You will only need 3 ingredients for this:

  1. 8 ounces Hot Brewed Strong Coffee
  2. 2 tablespoon Hot Chocolate Mix
  3. 1/4 cup Whole milk or Normal Milk
  4. Off course if you want to fancy it up a bit you can add some whipped cream it’s totally up to you I used the frothed milk bubbles here.


  1. So to start, add the hot chocolate mix to the strong hot coffee.
  2. Stir it up well and be sure to really get in there and mix it around crazy so that it’s really well combined.
  3. Then heat up the milk on the stove and if you don’t have one of those fancy little aerators for making foamed milk use a blender. Otherwise, grab your small jar with a lid and whisk and whisk the milk like a crazy for a minute or so until its good and foamy. Then pour that foamed milk into the coffee slowly.
  4. Well like I said unless you want to get a little fancier. Go ahead grab the whipped cream and pour over.
  5. You can whip up this simple at home latte just in minutes with a few easy pantry ingredients.

In Short

  • Stir together the coffee and hot chocolate mix in a large mug.Heat the milk on the stove to warm, it should be around 100 degrees or just hot enough that you can only keep a finger in it comfortably for a couple of seconds. Remove from the stove and froth the milk using a blender or alternatively you can whisk vigorously by hand until the milk gets foamy about in a minute.
  • Pour the frothed milk into the coffee if desired garnish with thick foam or dust a cocoa powder mix over it.


Thats all with todays coffee drink guys i hope you all will give it a try. Trust me they are worth the time and efforts you would be putting. Comment below if you have any recipes in mind to share with me. Will be back with an amzinng post until then XOXO