Girlsworld, Life Hacks, lifestyle, MyLifeMonday, Things to do

How to Stop Being Messy & Lazy

Oh my gosh the weather has certainly got mad in my city. It’s Like someday hot and someday cold. When I m out I can feel my skin burn under the sun but the moment I m  home my skin and lips get dry as hell. But keeping all those things aside I m all focussed on sharing some tips on “How to Stop Being Lazy” under today’s’ #MyLifeMonday section. I m still pretty much working on this one but I do want to share few tips that have helped me save my ass and get my shit together in time. Before we start I have a question for you all.

What do you mean by “Staying Focussed”?

The answer most probably is not being distracted or having a workflow. or when everything seems to fall together instead of falling apart. Well for me “Staying Focussed” means when you’re in the moment you don’t even notice how the time flies by because you are so immersed in what you are doing, the creativity is flowing inside out. Basically, you’re set on fire to achieve your goals.

Below are few tips that have helped me not be lazy or messy and feel productive most of the time:

Time Managment: So my first tip for you all is “Time Managment”. You have to set time for not all but few things to stay organized and not be lazy. Just plan your day according to time in advance, like what work or project you will be focussing on, when will you take a break and start again. For eg say for 2 hours around 4 pm I will be focusing on this piece of work muting everything around me. This way you can mentally prepare yourself for the work you are going to do plus you are not gonna feel stressed out easily. If you will not plan what need to be done at what time, your mind will get surrounded by way too many tasks and you won’t be able to complete one. Scheduling your time will help you know that you have enough time to complete all your work by the end of the day and it will get down your anxiety and stress level to get back to your business again.

Value Your Tasks: When I have lots of things to do on my lists I like to find value in each task that I m going to do. It means to know and understand what is that thing about that work which is motivating you to get it done. If you’re feeling too lazy to go to the gym, wear your clothes and think about the after effects of going to the gym now (eg you will be fitter and healthier) you would get rewards for sticking to this thing now and will be thanking yourself later. So just try and find at least one motivating thing in that task that can make you get up and do it.

Keep Your Head Clear: It’s very important to clear your head before you sit down to focus on something new. When you’re focusing on one thing you should not think about anything else like what is about to happen 2 days later on that project or whatever. Focus on now, go to a gym or local park for a quick walk to just clear your head of all thoughts going on in your mind and get out those stress hormones too. It’s all about clearing your mind before you sit down to work. Maybe you can’t always do that but you can always meditate for at least 5 minutes at the same place your sitting for a peace of mind and body. There is one thing that has changed my life when I feel lazy or start procrastinating I would go out for a quick walk to clear my head, this way I can get back to work easily, on time and feel productive again.

Stay Positive, Stay Focussed: Talk about good feelings when you achieve something. When I decide to do my workout even though I m dying and my muscles hurt or I m sweating I keep going because it feels soo good later. All you have to do is keep reminding yourself of all those great feelings you got to achieve later. All those positive energies you will get when you will put your entire heart and time into your work. You just have to focus on the way that completing tasks makes you feel. There is something really satisfying and relaxing once I get over with my entire to-do list. Always concentrate on the good feelings you get from achieving something it will help you stay positive forever.

To-Do List: As you guys know I m a to-do list freak, also I had shared it on my Instagram page and in most of my motivational blog posts. My list is always always close to me. Preparing To do list is my absolute favorite thing, why because I can get everything out, visualize and see what things I have to do. Another good thing about to-do list is when you have a really large set of tasks that are extremely urgent and overwhelming you can break it down into smaller tasks and that’s why I like to use my todo list often. Smaller tasks seem more achievable and you will most likely start working on it.

Get Rid of Your phone: When you start to work or you’re just trying to be focussed put everything on mute by everything I mean everything your phone, tv, computer, family everything that can distract you. Focus 100% on what you’re doing to see the proper results. I have not shared this with many people but it’s been a year or something since I haven’t used a cell phone. Its a very long story but the positive results are I feel much more active and productive now than I was before. I do not easily get distracted because I don’t have a phone. Well, I m not asking you to get rid of your phone forever or a year but what I m saying is just put it aside when you’re trying to focus on your work.

Eat and Get Going: You need to stay physically prepared all the time. It’s very important to eat healthily and get your body going. If not a proper workout routine just stretches your body or walk for 10 minutes between work gap. Move around your body to not feel lazy. Always have something on your hand to eat like a fruit bowl or your favorite healthy smoothie something that will energize you to work more. When you will eat everything light and fresh you will have more energy to float through all your tasks rather than smashing through them. Eating light and healthy will help you feel more productive plus you will get more work done that day due to your high energy level.

Follow a Ritual: Following a ritual has been an important part of my life. Have something next to you that can motivate you to stay focused. For me, I like to have a cup of green tea or latte, a bottle of water, my to-do list, some old good songs playing, be in my comfiest clothes blah blah around me whenever I m working. It can be different for different people for some they cannot be too comfy while working or staying focused they like to sit up straight while working so suit yourself. It’s just important to get to know yourself to realize what all things you want around you to stay focussed. All this can trigger you to be in your most productive mode. Time and surrounding do matter too. There are a few thing which I need to complete in the daylight and some which I like to work on during night hours.

Train Your Mind and Body: I think when it comes to stop being lazy all we need to do is training our mind and body into thinking that doing things is actually what we want. It’s all about tricking yourself, basically just reminding yourself continuously that this is going to be good for you and make your day more productive. Switch your thinking and shut all negative thoughts. Get surrounded by all positive vibes. Instead of saying I can’t do this say I can do this and then upgrade from I can do this to I will do this and sooner you reach to I have completed this. It’s all about switching from words like I hope and I think to I know and I will because there is nothing impossible in this world for you. You will get all things done, just get into that “I CAN DO IT” attitude.

Don’t Work Late Night: There was a time when I was too obsessed with working late night while everybody else in my family was asleep. I still work at night but not too late though. It is for me that I can concentrate best at night because there is nothing around that could bother or stress me out at night but when we talk about biology on how our minds work its like we are most active under light and we get tired when it is dark. So I guess it’s better to have a stress free nights so that you can wake up fresh and happy the next day. One more thing that I like to do when I know that I have a big day ahead of me is to make sure that I get a good night sleep. Ever since I got the kittens they both wake me up a number of times while sleeping. My sleeping pattern is so badly messed up right now because they keep jumping around the entire house in the middle of the night. Things have been very different for me lately and I have not been having the best sleep of my life from the last couple of months. But I m trying really hard to get a good night sleep and thank goodness I have managed to get a few. I feel so happy and energized the next day plus I feel I can get more things done than usuals.

Thank you guys for reading this post. Tell me your best tips on how to stop being lazy and staying focused in the comment box below. I would love to know all of your tips and implement them in my life. Will be back with a super amazing post-XOXO

Girlsworld, Life Hacks, lifestyle, Things to do, WardrobeWednesday

10 Ways to Cuff Your Jeans

Hellow everyone thank you very much for coming back again and as I m running out of time I will straight go to today’s post topic for #WardrobeWednesday section. We all love showing off our shoes and I m naturally a big fan of cuff jeans (check out my Instagram you will get it). It’s a great way to attention your shoes and instantly make each outfit look stylish. A pair of flats is always a classic and when you pair them with cuff jeans they look even cuter. With all excitement, I would be sharing about different ways you can cuff your jeans. Cuffing your jeans sound very simple enough right but I wanted to give you some inspiration that I carry myself all the time. I will share all 10 ways with you today including my most favorite way that I usually do and then my least favorite way that all people do.  I m wearing my favorite boyfriend and straight jeans from Westside and slim fit jeans from Levis that I can only like to wear when I cuff them.

Scrunch roll: In this, you’re gonna crunch up the jeans a little bit and then roll it up, you can totally adjust the height. It gives you more casual and relaxed look.

Pegg cuff: It’s perfect for boyfriend and straight leg jeans. Take the bottom hem and fold along the side to tighten around your ankle roll up just above the ankle throw on your heels and go. You can roll up as much as you want according to the pair of shoes you are wearing.

The Skinny Cuff/Roll Up: When it comes to skinny jeans you don’t have much room to cuff so a simple skinny cuff is a perfect way to look stylish and your pair of sandals can be the star. To go for small cuffs tightly roll off your jeans 2-3 times revealing just a little bit of ankle and to make your cuffs larger take the larger section of fabric 2-3 times.

Messy Cuff: I like to call this on as The Messy Cuff. It is as simple as rolling up the hem to wherever you want on your leg. Don’t you worry about neatness here. You just gotta rock and roll. There is no right or wrong just quickly cuff and go but roll up with no intention of making it look neat.

Wide Cuff: I like to call this one as The Wide Cuff. I know its funny but I have named every single one of them to make it easy for you and me as well. This cuff is as simple as rolling one big cuff back and that’s about it. Start by simply flipping up the hem of your jeans to make one large cuff that just ends at the top of your foot.

Cuff Up/Flip Back: Even if you have yourself a perfect pair of boyfriend jeans chances are they gonna be a way too long for you. To cuff them means to avoid two different problems a) neat: means your mom did it for you b) sloppy: it fall apart as soon as you stand up. Luckily I have a way that will avoid both of these problems plus its super easy to do. Make one large cuff making sure the bottom is exactly where you want it to then make one more fold up making sure that the hem of the jeans is still kind of exposed. That’s gonna give you that messy look and then it’s up to if you like to mess it up a little bit more or leave it as YOUR CHOICE!!

Imperfectly Perfect: My next cuff is my all time favorite from the cuff family and I would love to call it as the Imperfectly Perfect. All you have to do is start with the back flip and then you roll it half up again and then you have to bunch up the sides. You don’t have to worry about being perfect folding it. It’s all about throwing this together imperfectly so it doesn’t really look like you met to do it.

Classic Role: Coming back to basics I love to call this one as The Classic Role. Now, this is the cuff that I rarely do coz normal is boring. I don’t know maybe I have started liking things a little off balance and it’s just an ordinary way to fold jeans everybody is into it so its kind of boring to me but on the other hand it gives more of a sophisticated look. All you have to do is roll equal parts up and that’s it you’re done and if you really feel like making a statement, you can do 2-3 larger rolls. This will make your jeans head higher above your ankle and really highlight your shoes.

Under cuff: Undercuff is the best option for your pretty longer jeans. This is such a great solution because you can adjust the hem length to whatever pair of shoes you are going to wear and there is no tailoring involve. If you are wearing a pump leave the hem longer and if you are going to wear a pair of shoes I would suggest raising the hem up a bit.

Slouchy cuff: This can look a bit messy but it’s super chic, start by scrunching the denim to give it a messy look then cuff your jeans with about a 2-inch cuff, and that cuff it again half the way.  You can also make two or three smaller tighter rolls by gathering the fabric and rolling it up.

All right I think I have cuffed enough for today. I hope you guys like this post. Don’t forget to mention your favorite way to cuff your jeans. I would love to hear from you leave a comment down below. Will be back with an amazing post XOXO

Body care, D.I.Y, Food, Girlsworld, Health, Life Hacks, lifestyle, recipe, Things to do, TriedNewTuesday

3 Favorite Infused Water Recipes

We are all supposed to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day but very few of us can make up to this. One of my new year’s resolutions is to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day although I have been drinking 10 glasses of water since 2016 I m happy to move forward with this healthy habit of mine. Drinking normal water can be kind of boring so I have come up 3 delicious way to infuse my favorite fruits into the water to add that extra health benefits to it and drink more water. Today under #TriedNewTuesday section I wanted to share 3 infused water recipes that you guys will love love love. These are actually 3 belly detoxifying AKA flavored water recipes. Sometimes I like to prepare it a night before so that I can drink it as soon as my day starts and for rest of the day. Not to forget why I love drinking flavored water a)it’s my recent obsession and b) it’s my new year’s goal too. Infused water tastes much much better than regular water. It has that extra vitamins and minerals that make it tastes amazing and good for our health too. Drinking more water helps to get all the toxins out of our body.

If you are someone struggling to drink more water than infusing it with some fresh fruits and vegetables is the best way to add flavor to that boring glass of water. All you have to do is add your favorite fruits to a glass of water and you’re good to go. Not to forget it has many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are good for our body.

Things You Will Need:

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Herbs
  4. Water

All you have to do is add as many fruits as you want to the water and let it sit for 30 minutes and enjoy. Trust me its the best way to drink more water in a day. You know infused water is pretty hard to resist.

Advantages of Infused/Detox/Flavored Water

  1. Detoxification
  2. reducing bloating
  3. clearing up skin
  4. Energy
  5. Hydration

Below are some of mine favorite combinations:

3 Mint Leaves + 2-3 Lemon Slices + 2-3 Cucumber Slices: lowers the risk of heart diseases


3 Mint Leaves + 2-3 Orange Slices + 3-4 Strawberry Slices: Helps to stabilize blood sugar

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Lime + Cucumber and Ginger: cleansing and energizing, best during morning hours and gives your body that little kick to start the day.


I hope you guys enjoy these infused water recipes, so drink up and lemme know which combination was your favorite. Cheers to a happy and healthy new year guys. Will be back with an amazing post. See you very soon XOXO

Picture Credits: Google(Last Image)

D.I.Y, Girlsworld, Life Hacks, lifestyle, StyleItSaturday, Things to do

Fall Life Hacks That Actually Work

Hey, guys, wassup it’s me again while going through my upcoming posts list I came across the fact that I haven’t done a beauty post in a while so for today’s #StyleItSaturday I thought of sharing some life hacks that have helped me survive fall and that actually works too. I m sooo excited to be sharing this post with you all, life hacks are actually life savors. I know sharing these life hacks will only make your life better as they have made mine. They are more than life hacks for me I would call them tips and tricks to make your life better. My very first beauty post of 2017 yayyee are you excited too..?? I have a good news for you all I will be posting many such beauty related posts this year I m in such a good mood by the way I have also decided to spend more time writing beauty posts.

Alarm in Washroom

Set alarm and keep your cell phone in washroom it’s a very good way to wake up straight in your washroom. This way you won’t be needed to invest a lot of your energy to wake up nor will you hit the snooze button again and again. You’re waking up process will come to an end as you would be standing right in front of your washroom mirror within 5 minutes after your alarm starts.

Hand under blanket reaching out for alarm clock, shallow depth of field focus on foreground

Remove Foundation Stains From Sweater

Countless sweater has been ruined by foundation smears. Using makeup remover can actually make the situation worse. Use shaving cream to remove foundation stains from your sweaters or any piece of fabrics.


Drink More Water

Keep a bottle of infused water next to your bed to grab a sip as soon as you wake up in the morning. It’s very important to drink a bunch of water when your day starts not only it boosts up your metabolism it also keeps you going for rest of the day. Chuck that water girl, trust me infused water has helped me chuck 3 bottles of water a day.

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Get Your Things Done

Write your schedule and all the things that need to be done throughout your day on your bedroom or washroom mirror, it can be anything from running an errand to the most important task of the day, write it on your mirror with a dry erase marker. When everything gets done you can clean it up easily. It’s the easiest way to keep an eye on your daily to-do list.


Clean Your Brushes

Olive oil+dish soap trust me this is honestly all you’ll need. Mix these two together it will help you wash your brushes well. Dish soap will get all the makeup out while the olive out cleanses the bristles of your brush making it good for your skin.


Eat Raw Fruits and Veggies

If you are feeling too lazy or running late to make your breakfast make a fruit bowl, it’s the easiest, best and the healthiest way to start your day. It’s as easy as chopping all your favorite fruits into a big bowl. Same goes for my evening snack I like to have a veggie bowl if I m feeling hungry and lazy. Are you feeling me ehh..!!


Fall Latte Recipe

This has been my favorite latte recipe, god it tastes so yum you guys need to try this out. I cannot start my mornings without a latte, was dying of boredom trying my old coffee recipe. I bow down to Pinterest.
1 cup coffee+1/2 cup milk+1 tablespoon Hersheys chocolate syrup( or Nutella)+1 & 1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup(or honey)1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract+1 teaspoon cocoa powder. And you the the best latte to kick off your day.


Dry Sheet for Static Hair

I guess everybody out there is aware of this life hack. I have tried it and lemme tell you it really really works. Fall is making my hair static to a very different level. It gets insanely crazy for me to manage my hair just after I straight them and dry sheets have helped me remove static amazingly. Thank you soo much dry sheet without you I wouldn’t have been able to survive fall.


Lip Exfoliator

There are 2 ways I have been using to exfoliate my lips this fall. Either one will work best for you. First is brown sugar+essential oil lip scrub and the second one is applying vaseline on a toothbrush and brushing your lips gently with it. Make sure the brush is new and clean if you will use your regular toothbrush it will transfer germs from your brush to your lips making them even worse.


Coconut Oil Moisturizer

There is no other or best way to moisture your face and body with long lasting moisturizer throughout the day other than a natural moisturizer than coconut oil. It’s a life savor during the fall season, just after my bath I like to moisturize my entire body and face using Parachute Coconut oil. It keeps me and my body going for rest of the day. Coconut oil is best for your hands, feet, and cuticles too.


So that’s it for my today’s post. I hope you guys like it and I m sure these life hacks will make your life even better as they have made mine. Do share a life hack that has made your life better. Will be back with an amazing post. See you soon XOXO

Girlsworld, Life Hacks, MyLifeMonday, Things to do

Set and Achieve Goals in 2017


With the start of New Year we all are trying to make big changes in our life overall but to actually achieve something we need to focus on basics and be very precise about what we want and why. Today under #MyLifeMonday section I will be talking about tips on how you can “Set and Achieve Goals in 2017” so sit back with a notebook and grab a cup of tea or coffee and let’s talk about achieving our GOALS. I was working on this post as the year started and finally got the chance to publish it. The new year brings all new opportunities and good wishes for all of us and we should always be ready to utilize every bit of it. We all dream big dreams, set big goals but fail to achieve them because we don’t have a set plan or enough enthusiasm for it. We can set goals at any time of the year but there is something exciting and motivating about the new year, so why not utilize all that motivation to achieve all your goals, get your shit together and live an organized life. We all set goal but the most important thing is how we plan on achieving them.


Advantages of Setting Goals:

  1. We get a clear thought of what we want in our life.
  2. We appreciate ourselves when we achieve our goals.
  3. We work beyond our limits to reach our goals.

I was not a big fan of this GOAL setting thing until the mid of 2016. I would say 2016 has changed a hell lot of things in my life, it’s the year when I started working on staying motivated, being productive, setting goals, achieving them, doing what I love, believing myself, dreaming big, living a positive life and all that stuff. I m so happy to bring this habit of mine in 2017 too as I have become a big goal setting person now and trust me my life has changed a lot after it. We all feel low and demotivated when people around us do not support or believe in us but you will feel amazing when you will achieve your goal and prove them wrong. Many of us are our own worst enemy there was a time when I was too but since I have started working hard on my goals I feel amazing that I have proved myself wrong. I have achieved many fitness goals, career goals, life goals and many others which seemed to be impossible for me and all this happened because I believed in myself and had a clear vision about my goals. All tips that I will be sharing below are my way of setting and achieving goals. Be ready and grab a piece of paper it will be easier for you to keep a track of all things. I will talk about it step by step:

Cut on Negative Thoughts and People: Read positive books and quotes, think and write positive thoughts, meet positive people and block any kind of negativity around you. Say positive things about you, your goals and you will see things turning into your favor.

Read inspiration and motivational book: I know many people don’t talk about it but I want because this thing has worked for me. In the mid of 2016, I started reading a motivational book called “Discover the power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale. This book has taught me so many good things and my life has changed a lot since then. For doing anything we need motivation, reading inspirational and motivational books inspires us to dream big and work harder for our goals. Start reading a page or two daily and keep re-reading it once it’s over you only need to stay motivated. The thought of setting goals and achieving them will vanish 5 min after you are done reading this but reading a good book will remind you daily about your goals. In my morning rituals, I read an inspirational book which I got recently named “It only takes a minute to change your life” by Willie Jolley. This way I stay motivated daily to work hard for my dreams and goals.


Take the time: while setting goals sit, relax, take your time and think about things that you actually want to achieve in your life. What achieving it will give you in return? how hard will you work for it? and then write down all those things into your yearly monthly and daily goal list.

Why: ask yourself why you want to achieve your goals? why it is important for you to achieve them? how will it change your life? what will you get in return? how it affects you? You should be very clear about your goals and why you want to achieve them.


Be specific: this is the most important part of setting and achieving goals. Be very specific about what you want and write it down if possible regularly. I write in my journal daily about what I want and I also read it daily. Being specific about our goals help us to focus & work even harder for them. For eg, if by the end of a year you want to visit a country write it down and be specific where you want to go, if you want to lose weight within 5 months write it down how much you want to loose and read it daily.

Write them down: it’s very important for us to write down what we want so start maintaining a notebook from now, as I said earlier it will help you keep track of your work and success. The more you write about your goals that more they will fit into your conscience the more desperately you will work to achieve them plus its a good way of setting goals. Make copies of your goals like your yearly and monthly and keep them at places where you can see them regularly and by doing this you will keep on reminding yourself of what you want and how hard you need to work for them.

Plan and do: planning is the key step for achieving anything in life. You should create a good and working plan for your goals and the best plan is to work daily for your goals. If the year is about to end and you have started working on it during November or December you won’t be able to achieve it as you are too late for it. So make a plan now and start working on your goals today. Start from baby steps and write one by one about all those things that you have to work on to reach your goals.


Divide Your Goals into Categories: Be very precise about your goals and divide it into categories like

  • Year goals
  • Monthly goals
  • Daily goals
  1. Fitness goals
  2. Career goals
  3. Hobbies goals
  4. Love goals etc…

my goals - blank numbered list handwritten with white chalk on blackboard with erase smudges

Now Fill Out Different categories: what are your year, monthly and daily goals. What you want to achieve when the year, month and day ends. Create a goal list for a day and keep doing this for rest of the 7 days and then for rest of the 4 weeks and then for rest of the 12 months.

what are your goals?

Prioritize Daily Goal List: Prioritize your daily to-do or goal list into 3 categories
Most imp task of the day
Imp task of the day
Least imp task of the day
It will be easier for you to focus on your work and achieve your goals in time plus you will be able to complete the most important task of the day fast and so on.

Daily Planning: If you will set goals daily it will be easy for you keep track of what all you have achieved and want to achieve further. Keep doing this every day to reach your ultimate goal.


Set Goals before sleeping/ when you wake up: if there is something new I m working on or I want to achieve A.K.A my goal I will add it to my goal list just before my sleep so that I may skip my mind. I will add it to my yearly, monthly or daily goal list and during morning hours I will read it again so that I can work on it. I read my goals daily before my sleep and as soon as I wake up.


Visualize Achieving your goals: when you’re alone sitting or meditating or even if you are out for a walk, visualize yourself achieving your goals. Instead of thinking about bad and negative things visualize how it feels when you achieve them and how happy you are in that situation. Visualizing about achieving our goals and good things help our conscience to work harder for them and soon we see ourselves achieving them.

Acknowledge your progress: whenever you achieve any of your goals, reward yourself with something good like a Starbucks treat, plan a movie, buy something new. Appreciate yourself on achieving your goals, you will be so proud of yourself. When you are rewarding yourself at every achievement you are preparing yourself for the best to come.

Create an Inspirational board: this is the best, coolest and my favorite part of setting goals, creating a goal or inspirational board. You can DIY one I will be posting about 3 Tumblr inspired DIYs very soon and there will be a DIY Inspirational board too. It was all over Pinterest and Tumblr also it’s the best way of setting goals so I decided to create one. It’s the best and fun way of keeping track of your goals. Inspirational / mood /vision board is a fun way to visualize about your goals or what attracts you in your life. It’s a stress-free way of getting inspired about your goals. When you see your goals daily you remember working hard for them, print or write cool inspiring and goal related things and hang it on your board. Place the mood board somewhere visible in your room this way you will be able to see it daily. Weheartit and Tumblr are the best places for getting such inspiration plus its a coolest room decor piece.


That’s all in today’s post. I hope my way of setting and achieving goals will help you achieve some of yours in 2017. I would really appreciate if you will share one tip that has helped you achieve your goals.

Girlsworld, Life Hacks, lifestyle, Things to do

60 Amazing Tips That Will Change Your Life..!

I was going through Pinterest, again and the title “Tips to change a girl’s life” attracted me the most and I thought let’s just read it. You I love reading and sharing new things on my blog, things that inspire me and change my life and help me become more productive. I went through many amazing articles there that contained some very productive and useful tips which I could actually relate to things I do and follow in my real life. While reading all those posts I also came to know about some amazing tips which I was not aware of. Those post really inspired me to write about it. I just want to share all those tips to make a girls life easier. This post will be my version of girly tips, it will contain some of the new tips plus the one I m following already. So without wasting any more time lets just get started. Do follow these 60 amazing tips that will change your life for sure.


  1. Download a To-do List app on your phone. It will help you remember things easily.
  2. Drink 3 cups of green tea every day, I bet your life will change.
  3. Make your own coffee or tea instead of buying(Rich woman Secret).
  4. Follow capsule wardrobe method. Believe me, you will utilize every single thing lying in your wardrobe.
  5. Have at least 6 Chapsticks/Lipbalms as a backup.
  6. Visit stores on sale as soon as it starts. You will be able to pick fresh and trendy.
  7. Never go for a “Cheap Denim” buy cheap sunglasses instead.
  8. Never ever ever go after boys.
  9. Use a hair dryer to iron clothes when you’re in a hurry.
  10. Wear sleepers while traveling or any time moment of time you get to wear it.
  11. Spend the extra money on your makeup it’s worth it.
  12. Avoid drinking using a straw, if you wanna stay away from those wrinkles.
  13. Buy a pair of sneakers that are cute and effective as well.
  14. Going bed with your makeup on. It’s like the worst nightmare a girl could ever have.
  15. Make you own makeup wipes instead of buying as they work the best.
  16. Get into a habit of cleaning your bag every night.
  17. Carry headphones all the time. They are a true life saver when you about get bored.
  18. Trust your best friend over your boyfriend because your girlfriend loves you more.
  19. Buy a really nice strapless or sticky bra. You won’t believe how everything looks soo much better without that old straps.
  20. Wash your face 2-3 times a day.
  21. Paint your toenails often.
  22. Never skip your breakfast. It’s strictly unhealthy.
  23. Make an amazing playlist for your walk or running routine.
  24. Get a super cute and awesome coffee mug because a coffee mug is a girl 2 boyfriends.
  25. Never cross your leg for too long while sitting. 8cb3a9627de9218c06e946fee18bd299
  26. Realize that you can pull off that devil red lipstick very well, so rock it girl.
  27. Go out for a date with your boyfriend or husband. You will feel that teen charm again.
  28. Never try sleeping pills, stress relief pills or dieting pills ever. Just stay positive and healthy.
  29. Call you mom when you need any help.
  30. Prepare a meal for yourself whenever possible.
  31. Forget brand, nobody cares and you will have three times of your older wardrobe to pick from.
  32. Make sure to have at least one friend who loves your favorite T.V show and snack.
  33. Buy this amazing invention called “Boob Tape”. It will save you from those thousands of candid photos of you pulling up your dress on the dance floor.
  34. Apply a white coat underneath every nail color. Your nails will look much more vibrant.
  35. Never spend too much money crying over a boy.
  36. Always try clothing before buying them.
  37. Drink as much water as you can. cc0a7ac9ced541984a76254df647d3d7
  38. Apply a combination of 2 foundations. One will never match your original skin tone because your skin is a unique girl.
  39. Maintain a To-Do List diary, a write in it every single day. It will help you stay organized.
  40. Try and stay a little organized.
  41. Get a microweable heat pad for your cramps and back.
  42. Stock your desk, bags and car with a hand sanitizer.
  43. Always carry band-Aids in your bag. You know heels are beautiful little monsters.
  44. Use hand lotion.
  45. Light butter popcorn is actually a good choice.
  46. Exercise daily or when you’re stressed out. I would say get into a workout routine ASAP.
  47. Buy as many under wears as you can. It will never be enough girl.
  48. Find a perfect moisturizer.
  49. Accessories are a life changer. Buy and flaunt yourself.
  50. Take bubble bath whenever you feel like pampering yourself. e540641e93343f1e8ded1cc3555f67da
  51. Have healthy chocolate bars like granola on hand all the time.
  52. Read and write as much as you can. Never forget but things that interest you.
  53. Explore your hobbies.
  54. Look natural and smile with your perfect teeth in photos.
  55. Visit doctor or dentist often if you love your body truly.
  56. Get a beautiful 8 hours sleep.
  57. Make chocolate chip pancakes whenever possible.
  58. Never skip moisturizing your body as soon as you bath.
  59. Do yoga daily even if its for 5 minutes.
  60. Try to go healthy 3-4 days a week.(eat more fruits and veggies)

Thats all ladies. I hope these amazing tips will help you stay more healthy and organized. Will be back with a exciting post.XOXO

D.I.Y, Girlsworld, Life Hacks, Things to do

Life Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind

This life hack videos and posts are blowing away everybody’s mind and they have kind of started loving it. So I decided why not test this life hacks to see if they really are a Hack or just Wack.?? For me, working on this post was super fun, I tried new things and was amazed to see the results. Everybody loves these life hacks because they have made our life so much easier, they work as a miracle. When we are working and something goes wrong we all pray for a miracle to happen and suddenly that miracle steps in and says “Here I am a life Hack to save you out of that hell”.

I noted down tons of life hacks and tested every single one of them to see the results. Life hacks do serve as lifesavers if they work properly when we want to get things quickly done. I’m gonna mention the life hacks that do and don’t work because I wanted you guys to know that some of them are a total disaster and you should never ever try them. I will be mentioning only few life hacks in this post as I will be sharing rest of the hacks in other posts.
let’s get started…

Banana Peel : Hack


Rub the banana peel over your teeth, leave it for few minutes then brush off with a toothbrush. Try this for a month or two to get white teeth.

Lemon : Hack


Rub used or fresh lemon on nails to get rid of that yellowness.

Baby Powder : Hack


Apply a handful of baby powder to your underarms and get rid of that sweaty underarms.

Visiting Card : Hack


Works best when you wanna get that perfect winged eyeliner. You can just put it close to your eyelid while applying your liner or you can cut a triangle shape to work as a stencil for your eyeliner.

Watery eyes : Wack


This was complete wack. When you get that watery eyes while applying eye makeup stare right and left for few minutes. This was a total shit, my eyes became more watery.

Dry Eyeliner or Mascara : Wack

This was a horrible hack. I saw it on youtube. If your eyeliner gets dry just give it the warmth of your body. Your body temperature will help it melt down. This doesn’t work for me instead I poured few drops of eye drops   into it and viola I got a brand new eyeliner.

Mascara on Eyes : Hack


While applying mascara if you accidentally drop it on your eyeshadow don’t hesitate, let it dry for few minutes and flick the dry eyeliner off with the same brush you were using to apply eyeshadow.

Black Eyeshadow : Hack


If your roots or scalp shows while your hair is up, take your black eyeshadow and apply it with your makeup brush on the areas where your roots or scalp is showing.

Big Red Pimple : Hack


If you have that big event next day and you get that horrible big pimple. Apply ice cube on it. This is a life saver.

Listening to Your Favorite Song : Wack

Listening to your favorite song before bed does not help you sleep. I have tried this and it did not work at all instead drink a glass of milk. It contains lactic acid which helps you sleep.

So these were some of the life hacks which I tested some of them worked and some were a big failure. I will share more life hacks with you in another post. Hope my opinion on these life hacks help you. Try yourself and let me know if you have and suggestions or life hacks to share. Will be back with a new post. XOXO

Picture Credits : Pinterest